Category Archives: research

American Exceptionalism: Part I

Prof. Paul Eidelberg

This report is the first of a series in which I am going to extract parts of my just-finished book America’s Unknown Hebraic Republic: A Goal for the Almost-Chosen People. The goal will be described at the end of the series. This book marks the conclusion of some fifty years of research and writing on the foundational principles and structure of the American Republic, beginning with a trilogy on the Statesmanship of America’s Founding Fathers. Allow me a personal note.

My intellectual odyssey began with my doctoral dissertation, The Philosophy of the American Constitution, which was published by the Free Press in 1968. Professors Leo Strauss and Herbert Storing of the University of Chicago were my dissertation advisers. This first book was followed by A Discourse on Statesmanship published by the Illinois University Press in 1984, which was the first theoretical work on statesmanship based on The Federalist Papers and Aristotle’s Politics. My third book On the Silence if the Declaration of Independence was published by the University of Massachusetts Press in 1976, the bicentennial of that foundational document.

In that year I immigrated to Israel where I taught political science at Bar-Ilan University. Israel was of course the best venue in which to study the Judaic roots of the American Constitution and the Declaration. Thus, in 2000, I wrote Jewish Statesmanship: Lest Israel Fail, a book that was translated into Hebrew and Russian. Alas, Israeli statesmanship was disheartening, even funereal. Israel’s government was not only dysfunctional; appearances to the contrary notwithstanding, the government had only the veneer of democracy. For example, the absence of constituency elections in Israel compels citizens to vote for national party lists rather than individual candidates, which enables Knesset Members, indeed the government, to ignore public opinion with impunity. If this were not enough to discredit the political system, the inordinate frequency of Israeli elections—the average duration of Israeli governments is only two years­—renders government policies haphazard and devoid of Jewish vision.

This prompted me in 1995 to establish The Foundation for Constitutional Democracy, one purpose of which was to show how Israel could be made more democratic by means of Jewish principles, and more Jewish by means of democratic principles. To this end it would be necessary to import the wisdom of America’s Founding Fathers on the one hand, and to revive the wisdom of the Jewish Sages on the other.

Hence, without ignoring the great merit of the founders of modern Israel (who facilitated the in-gathering of millions of Jews to the Promised Land), I proceeded to write several books on Judaic thought and institutions. Suffice to mention the most recent: A Jewish Philosophy of History (2004); The Myth of Israeli Democracy (2007); Toward a Renaissance of Israel and America (2009), An American Political Scientist in Israel (2010), and now the final book of this intellectual odyssey, America’s Unknown Hebraic Republic.

This last book has three interrelated objectives. One objective is to revive the foundational principles which made the United States of America the greatest nation on earth: the principles embodied in America’s Declaration of Independence and original Constitution. It is widely known that America is in a state of decline thanks largely to the multicultural relativism of its college-educated elite. This situation, however, is reversible. An uncorrupted and no longer silent majority of Americans has the will and spiritual values to restore American Exceptionalism, a concept discussed in the first chapter of my latest book.

The second objective is to revive the source of American Exceptionalism, namely Hebraic Exceptionalism. Unknown to most American, Christian Hebraists in Europe regarded the Hebraic Republic of antiquity as the most just and wisest polity in history, superior to those praised by Greek and Roman philosophers. This evaluation was shared by the presidents of various eighteenth-century American universities. It is extremely important for Jews to know this because their one and only homeland, Israel, is the only nation on earth threatened with extermination. The Jewish people need to know that what a matured Israel stands for, and what was manifested in the Hebraic Republic of antiquity, remains and will ever remain the fondest hope of mankind.

The third objective is to articulate the political and meta-political convictions that bond America and Israel, convictions concerning man’s God-given rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness—rights which necessitate limitations on the powers or functions of government. Public acknowledgement of these political and meta-political convictions will fortify the will of these two exceptional nations, not only to stand firm against their common foe—Islam’s global ambitions and its “we believe in death and you believe in life” mantra—but also prompt the West to roll back Islam’s deadly threat to civilization. I have written elsewhere about this common enemy, which can only advance by the default of decent nations. Hence ponder this prophetic epigram from Winston Churchill’s The Gathering Storm:

“It is my purpose … to show how easily the tragedy of the Second World War could have been avoided; how the malice of wicked was reinforced by the weakness of the virtuous; how the structure and habits of democratic states, unless they are welded together into larger organisms, lack those elements of persistence and conviction which can alone give security to humble masses; how even in matters of self-presentation, no policy is pursued for even ten or fifteen years at a time. We shall see how the counsels of prudence and restraint may become the prime agents of mortal danger; how the middle course, adopted from desires for safety and a quiet life may be found to lead direct to the bull’s-eye of disaster.”

Now let me mention Abraham Lincoln. On his way to his inauguration in Washington in February 1861, Lincoln stopped in Trenton and addressed the New Jersey State Senate. There he voiced these remarkable words: “I shall be most happy indeed if I shall be a humble instrument in the hands of the Almighty, and of this, his almost-chosen people …” This is the source of American Exceptionalism.

American Exceptionalism is rooted in the Declaration of Independence. Ponder these words of the Prologue:

“When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness.”

The Preamble affirms the existence of a Creator-God, the God of the Hebrew Bible. The Preamble also affirms that all men are created equal, alluding to Genesis, which states that man is created in the image of God. This suggests that just as God is a creator in an infinite sense, man is a creator in a finite sense. This creativity made possible the political creativity of America’s Founding Fathers and American Exceptionalism.

I have yet to say a word about the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God. Viewed in the context of the Bible, the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God was deemed the “moral law.” Christian Hebraists identified the Laws of Nature with the Seven Noahide Laws of Universal Morality. We must also emphasize the “Peroration” of the Declaration of Independence, where its 56 signers appeal to “the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of [their] intentions,” and whose final sentence speaks of their “firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence.” The Peroration clearly confirms that the Declaration is a theistic, not a Deistic document. The Declaration of Independence thus embodies not only a political philosophy, as is generally understood, but a political theology. This warrants our inquiry into the Hebraic roots of the American Republic from which blossomed its unknown Constitution or Hebraic Republic. God willing, I shall elaborate in next week’s report.

2010 K-12 Ohio Teacher Salary and Estimated Pensions, Searchable On-Line Database

The Buckeye Institute for Public Policy Solutions released on ots website the 2010 K-12 salary and estimated pension data for all Ohio public school teachers. Unlike the data collected for previous years, the 2010 data includes salary and pension information for many superintendents, principals, and other administrative staff members. The pension data includes each teacher?s salary based on a 2,080-hour year (40 hour work-week, 52 week year) so users can properly evaluate teacher pay, as most teachers are contractually limited to working 1,350 hours per year.

In 2010, approximately 1,800 school employees earned over $100,000 per year. Due to increasing staffing costs, Ohio?s 613 public school districts are expected to face a $7.6 billion funding deficit by 2015, with personnel expenses consuming 96 percent of tax revenues. In the last election, citizens used the Teacher Salary Database to hold their school districts accountable for spending choices, citing that average teacher
salaries had grown at rates that, in many cases, far outpaced inflation. In addition to the new data, the website now contains a search counter which records the number of searches performed in the eight database tools (State Salary, Federal Salary, Higher Ed Salary, Teacher Salary, Local Salary, School
Data, County Data, and State Lobbyists). Since the website?s launch on April 30, 2010, visitors from 473 Ohio cities, the 49 other states, and 119 foreign countries have spent over 20,000 hours conducting almost 1.5 million data searches.

Buckeye Institute President Matt A. Mayer stated: “With so many school districts under financial duress, it is now even more important than ever that taxpayers know how school districts are spending their money. Instead of cutting staff positions, sports, bussing, and other programs, most school districts could balance their budgets without raising taxes through cutting staff compensation packages by a small percentage.”

The Teacher Salary data tool is available at

Ohio Banking; Federal Reserve Beige Book of Economic Conditions

This is the last day of the Beige Book reports. During the past four days, the retail, manufacturing, transportation, energy, and construction sectors have been covered. Today, the banking sector report of the Cleveland Federal Reserve Bank folows.

In general, bankers reported that commercial loan demand was stable or showed modest growth since our last survey. A few bankers commented that although loan originations are up, outstanding balances have declined. We also heard reports from some large banks that lending to small businesses is increasing. On the consumer side, conventional loan demand remains soft, although several of our contacts told us that they are beginning to see early signs of growth. Direct and indirect auto lending continues to show strength, while some weakening was observed in the use of home equity lines of credit. Interest rates for business and consumer credit were stable. Many of our contacts said that demand for residential mortgage refinancing has slowed due to the rise in interest rates. New-purchase mortgage originations remain weak. Core deposits continue to grow, with most of the growth occurring in non-maturing products. Credit quality was characterized as either stable or showing a slight improvement, especially for business applicants. Delinquency rates are stable or trending down. Staffing levels have shown little change during the past few weeks; however, several bankers reported that they are considering hiring during 2011.

Ohio Construction; Federal Reserve Beige Book of Economic Conditions

During the past three days, four sectors–retail, manufacturing, transportation, and energy–of the Federal Reserve Beige Book Report have been posted. The Beige Book report covers economic conditions of each banking district. In this post, the construction industry is covered as it was reported by the Cleveland Federal Reserve Bank.

New home construction was generally flat at a low level during the past six weeks and on a year-over-year basis, with most sales occurring in the move-up buyer categories. Contractors expect construction to remain sluggish through the winter months. List prices of new homes and discounting have shown little change, while some upward pressure on the cost of building materials was reported. Land purchases and construction of spec homes are constrained by the availability of credit. Subcontractor pricing remains very competitive. General contractors continue to work with lean crews, and no hiring is expected in the near term.

Discussions with nonresidential builders drew mixed responses, with a small majority of our contacts reporting stronger activity than a year ago. There is growing concern over the continuing slowdown in inquiries and tightening margins. However, most builders said they had a sufficient backlog to keep them busy in the upcoming months. New projects generally fall into the health-care category, with some industrial and infrastructure work. Our contacts are uncertain about business conditions through 2011. A few builders mentioned that their customers have the ability to fund projects, but they are hesitant to commit. Builders expect construction material suppliers to begin raising prices early in 2011, but they are uncertain as to the amount or whether the increases will stick. General contractors reported no change in employment levels and wages. Subcontractors continue to cope with very difficult industry conditions.

Ohio Transportation and Energy ; Federal Reserve Beige Book of Economic Conditions

The Federal Reserve published its recent Beige Book Report covering economic conditions of each banking district. During the past two days, the retail and manufacturing sectors of Cleveland Federal Reserve report were posted. Today, the following post covers economic conditions of Ohio freight transportation and energy industries.

Freight transport executives reported that shipping volume was stable during the past six weeks. Looking ahead to 2011, most carriers expect growth to be somewhat stronger than they experienced in 2010. They also expect that activity will be more in line with normal seasonal patterns. Almost all of our contacts reported rising prices for diesel fuel, some of which are being passed through to customers via a surcharge. Capital outlays remain at relatively low levels. Spending in 2011 is expected to rise modestly as freight carriers are forced to replace aging equipment. However, some carriers are considering leasing new equipment versus buying, as rising prices for new tractors constrain purchases. Hiring is for replacement only. Two of our contacts noted that they would like to begin hiring additional drivers, but it is difficult to find qualified applicants. Wage pressures are beginning to emerge due to a growing problem with driver turnover and a tightening of the driver pool.

Although energy production is more in-line with manufacturing process, energy is consists of modes of transportation and distribution, which utilizes the Ohio trucking sector. That is why the report on energy continues below.

Reports indicate that oil and gas output from conventional wells was fairly steady during the past six weeks. A small increase in gas production is expected if very cold weather persists. Production from Marcellus shale was somewhat higher and is expected to continue to increase. Spot prices for natural gas have increased slightly with the onset of winter, while wellhead prices paid to independent oil producers were fairly stable. Coal production has been steady since our last report, with little change anticipated in the near term. Spot and contract prices for coal were generally stable; however, the price of metallurgical coal increased slightly. Other than a rise in diesel fuel prices, equipment and material costs have been flat. Staffing has not changed, and it is expected to remain at current levels for the near term.

Ohio Manufacturing; Federal Reserve Beige Book of Economic Conditions

The Federal Reserve published its recent Beige Book Report covering economic conditions of each banking district. Yesterday, the retail sector report of the Cleveland Federal Reserve was posted. Today, the following post covers economic conditions of Ohio manufacturing.

Reports from District factories indicate that demand was stable or rising during the past six weeks. Compared to year-ago levels, production was higher, with many contacts experiencing low double-digit increases. Several manufacturers noted that while their production levels declined recently–following seasonal trends–orders were above expectations. In general, manufacturers are fairly optimistic and expect at least modest growth during 2011. A few noted that lead times for the delivery of raw materials were getting longer, which they attributed to rising demand across industry sectors. Steel producers and service centers all reported that shipping volume had increased since our last survey, with shipments being driven by energy-related, transportation, and heavy equipment industries. Steel executives we spoke with have heightened expectations for business growth during 2011. District auto production showed a slight decline during November on a month-over-month basis. Compared to a year ago, domestic auto makers showed a substantial rise in production, while foreign nameplates posted a modest decline.

Capacity utilization continues to trend higher, approaching what many of our respondents consider to be more normal rates. Inventories are close to targeted levels. Capital spending plans are conservative, with only a few of our contacts expecting to increase capital budgets for 2011. Outlays are aimed primarily at maintenance, equipment upgrades, and increasing production efficiencies. Prices for agricultural and metal commodities, steel, and scrap remain elevated, while the prices of most other raw materials have been stable. Several producers announced selective product price increases to reflect a rise in the cost of steel and agricultural commodities. Most contacts told us that they have expanded their permanent, full-time payrolls slightly since our last survey, and they will continue hiring at the same pace during 2011. Permanent new hires were largely salaried. To meet rising demand, employers are extending production hours or bringing in temporary hourly workers. Wage pressures are contained. Companies are continuing to restore merit increases and payments to 401K plans.

College Group “Live Action” Needs Your Help

Lila Rose is a student activist at UCLA who has dedicated herself to building a culture of life and ending abortion. At age fifteen, Lila founded Live Action, which is now a growing nonprofit with several chapters in California. Live Action is a youth-led organization and uses new media to educate and mobilize both local and national audiences to demand accountability from the abortion industry and human rights for the pre-born.

Lila has led numerous undercover stings through Live Action, exposing corruption and illegal activity within Planned Parenthood, the Nation’s number one Abortion provider. “The Mona Lisa Project,” vividly illustrates how Planned Parenthood’s ‘abortion-first mentality’ leads it to disregard state laws meant to protect young girls, instead sending them back into the arms of their sexual abusers. It has prompted officials in several states to take action against Planned Parenthood. Planned Parenthood affiliates are the subject of ongoing investigations in Indiana and Alabama, and the Tennessee legislature recently voted to end up to $1.1 million in taxpayer subsidies to the abortion provider. Similarly, the Alabama Department of Health put the Birmingham clinic under severe investigation as a result of the undercover video taped there. The clinic has been put on a one-year probation as the investigation continues to uncover illegal and wrongful proceedings. Also released is a collection of phone calls made too the Planned Parenthood Development offices under the name of “The Racism Project,” which captured Planned Parenthood employees behaving hospitably to and receiving donations from an actor posing as an outspoken racist.

Lila is currently releasing the “The Rosa Acuna Project” which reveals Planned Parenthood counselors and abortionists manipulating patients and giving medical misinformation.

In fall 2006, as a freshman at UCLA, Lila founded the (free) pro-life student magazine The Advocate, administered through the new UCLA student chapter of Live Action. The Advocate has since gone national and is distributed at over 80 different high school and college campuses across the country with a circulation of nearly 100,000.

Lila reaches tens of thousands of people every month with the pro-life message through the and web sites.

Live Action needs your help. They need to raise $125,000 by January 17 to obtain matching funds and to adequately fund their investigations of Planned Parenthood as well as their various publications and projects.
Live Action has raised $99,313 and needs $25,687 more. Please consider donating to this great work. The Live Action web address is

Santa’s Naughty-and Nice-List of American Business

The previous post titled “Poll Shows Most American For Christmas” reported that 80% of Americans either celebrate Christmas as a religious holiday or think it should be. The same Americans also think it Christmas should publicly honored at our public institutions and businesses. Given this level of support for celebrating Christmas as a religious holiday, I suspect most Americans would favor the efforts of the American Family Association’s to pressure retailers and other businesses into treating Christmas as … well as … the birthday humanity’s redeemer as celebrated by Christians.

That is why XCJ again posts the <a href=Naught and Nice list created by the American Family Association. This year, the list includes companies who are FOR Christmas, those Marginalizing Christmas, and those AGAINST Christmas. It is hoped readers who are for Christmas will not patronize business who are attempting to marginalize it or who are flatly against Christmas.

Companies FOR Christmas Marginalizing Companies Companies AGAINST
Bass Pro Shops
Bed Bath & Beyond
Best Buy
Big Lots
Collective Brands
Dick’s Sporting Goods
Family Dollar
Dollar General
H.E.B. Stores
Harris Teeter Stores
Hobby Lobby
JC Penney
JoAnn Fabrics & Crafts Stores
Michael’s Stores
Neiman Marcus
Office Max
Pier One Imports
Rite Aid
Scheels Sporting Goods
Super D Drug Stores
Toys R Us
Wal-Mart/Sam’s Club
Bath & Body Works
Dollar Tree
Hy-Vee Stores
Old Navy
Limited Brands
Whole Foods
Banana Republic
Barnes & Noble
CVS Pharmacy
Foot Locker
Gap Stores
Hancock Fabrics
L.L. Bean
Office Depot
Radio Shack
Victoria’s Secret

Reviewing last year’s naughty and nice list, a number businesses have lost the spirit of Christmas while some others lost the spirit of the Grinch. For example, Kroger and Costco must have been visited by the spirit of Christmas because both are on the FOR Christmas list. Old Navy is a tough nut crack. Last year the Old Navy Corporation regarded religious connotations of the season as bad for business. This its retail stores are begrudgingly acknowledging Christmas exists, but the corporate retailer did move up from flat out against to marginalizing the Christian-oriented holiday. A few examples of retailers who acquired the secular bah-hum-bug spirit are Walgreen’s and Office Depot. Walgreen’s went from For to Marginal. This may have been the result of some problem faced during the past year or two. Not everyone handles economic recessions equally well either. The Christmas spirit among corporate leaders at Office Depot have been soured. This is reflected having become oppositional to Christmas as a non-secular holiday. Let’s hope bah-hum-bug soon changes to a merry Christmas perspective.

A positive development is the dwindling number of businesses oppositional to Christmas. The Examiner reported 80% of American retailers think being for Christmas is good for business. The National Federation of Retailers agrees. Because 91% of Americans celebrate his birth on Christmas, they believe being pro-Christmas will increase sales by about 2.3 percent.

At least the wise men from the East believed it was a good idea to give gifts to celebrate his birth. Hopefully, AFA’s efforts will inspire Americans and American businesses to advance the cause of the babe born in the manager on Christmas day.

Merry Christmas!

Poll Shows Most Americans For Christmas

It becomes a hot-button issue this time every year: Should religious symbols be displayed on public land, or is that a violation of the long-standing separation between church and state? While legal battles continue to arise, Americans still overwhelmingly support such displays.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 74% of Adults say religious symbols like Christmas Nativity scenes, Hanukkah Menorahs and Muslim Crescents should be allowed on public land. Only 17% disagree and feel these symbols should not be allowed.

Eighty percent (80%) of American Adults also favor celebrating religious holidays in the public schools, another area subject to repeated legal challenge. This includes 43% who believe all religious holidays should be celebrated in the schools and 37% who think only some of those holidays should be recognized. The question did not specify which holidays should be celebrated and which should be excluded.
Fourteen percent (14%) are opposed to celebrating any religious holidays in the schools.

An overwhelming majority of Americans celebrate Christmas, and for most of those who celebrate, it’s a religious holiday rather than a secular one despite the strong commercial overtones of the season.

Very few Americans are offended when someone wishes them a “Merry Christmas,” but most are more likely to say “Happy Holidays” to someone else rather than risk offending them. They also prefer being greeted by store signs that say “Merry Christmas” rather than “Happy Holidays.”

Source: Ramussen Reports, December 14, 2010

Buckeye Institute Announces Pretigious New Fellowship Program For Ohio College Students

In honor of William A. Diehl, former President of Defiance Milk Products/Diehl Inc., the Diehl Family Foundation has partnered with the Buckeye Institute for Public Policy Solutions to create a year-long fellowship program designed to expose college students to the leaders and readings that can provide insight into making Ohio prosperous again. The Buckeye Institute will use a competitive process to identify up to 25 of Ohio’s best students annually for this program.

The application period for the 2011 class runs from December 2, 2010, to January 31, 2011. The first class will occur in March 2011. Each class will begin at 6:00pm on a Thursday with an informal dinner and the viewing of a thematic movie. On Friday, the fellows will discuss the assigned readings and their relevance to Ohio, listen to an Ohio business leader share his or her experience, and tour a company to get a hands-on appreciation for how business works. The Buckeye Institute will provide all reading materials and will cover all hotel and food costs.

The topics include American exceptionalism, freedom & the rule of law, basic economics, the power of government, transparency & corruption, economic freedom & competitiveness, entrepreneurship, building a business, the regulatory world, the power of innovation, understanding politics, and overcoming big obstacles.

To graduate, each fellow must write a report on an economic issue facing Ohio and a proposed solution. A panel of experts will judge the reports, and the top three will receive cash awards of $3,000, $2,000, and $1,000.

Matt A. Mayer, President of the Buckeye Institute, stated, “If we want tomorrow’s leaders to carry the heavy weight of rebuilding our great state, they will need a practical and conceptual understanding of our nation’s founding, its economic system, and the relationship between business and government. William Diehl fundamentally understood the critical link between a vibrant and prosperous private sector and limited, but effective government.”

Details about the Diehl Fellows Program and the Application can be viewed at or obtained by calling 614-224-4422.