Dear Officeholder,
As a citizen I wish to thank you for your willingness to step forward and serve in public office. It must be challenging to voluntarily place oneself under intense scrutiny in order to run for political office. I do take your role as a leader very seriously, so please bear with me as I share with you some of my concerns and criticisms.
When you chose to protect and preserve our Republic , there was an implicit understanding that you would give your very best to confront and resolve the many problems facing us today. One of the basic elements of problem-solving is to stop the problem from becoming worse when attempting to resolve the issue. In my view, you and your colleagues continue to fail in this regard. Despite all the rhetoric about “directions” and “paths,” our future continues to grow more ominous. Pay to play politics and back-room deals which are so apart of our defunct government will NOT restore the limits of Constitutional government. Commitment to the founding principles and the devotion to your Oath of office will. You cannot serve two Masters. Either you serve at the will of varied special interests or you serve the highest law of the land, the Constitution of the United States.
When you, the representative maintain that fidelity to the Constitution, you do not wander into the thickets of irresponsible spending and the eroding of our individual rights. Every time a public servant strays outside the constitutional limitations, we the citizens lose our liberty, property and our inalienable rights guaranteed to us by our Creator. You must remember that government does not produce anything of value. Government is merely a redistribution mechanism, and indeed, an inefficient one at that. The Founders recognized that for a nation to prosper the citizens must enjoy the maximum amount of freedom allowable for a civil society. Have you and your colleagues not learned what America’s Founding Fathers proclaimed? They painstakingly avoided a democracy and built a constitutional republic. The difference between these two forms of government are paramount in restoring America’s greatness and maximizing individual liberty.
Many people who enter public office want to do “good.” Yet when they drift beyond the articles set forth by the Constitution, the “good” often becomes anything but. Your Oath, if taken seriously, compels you to strict adherence to the Constitution, not to forage far and wide while looking for any and all social ills to heal here at home or abroad. Government has proven to be an incredibly flawed instrument, and for you to assume that government is the best vehicle for correcting deficiencies in the social structure is wishful at best and delusional at worst. Famous frontiersman and representative from Tennessee Davy Crockett learned this valuable lesson. During a visit to his district he stopped to speak to a man plowing his field. What transpired was a lesson all elected representatives and voters should take note of. “It is hardly worthwhile to waste time or words upon it” said the man taking a moment from his work. Knowing that Colonel Crockett had “stepped beyond the limits of his Oath,” the gentleman politely informed Crockett of why he would not be voting for him in the upcoming election. He told him, “I do not see how it can be mended, but you gave a vote last winter which shows that either you have not capacity to understand the Constitution, or that you are wanting in honesty and firmness to be guided by it.” Needless to say, Crockett learned a valuable lesson. I would encourage everyone to read “Not Yours to Give” from “The Life of Davey Crockett,” by Edward S. Ellis.
Perhaps I am wrongly casting you among those who have grossly abused their power and their Oath. If so, I apologize, but I along many whom cannot speak for themselves as of yet, do insist that you stand firm, to speak loudly and forcefully, to resist EVERY usurpation of our liberties and immediately restore the Founders meaning to our legislatures. Even if you are not actively engaged in the undermining of our Constitutional government, you cannot comply with or ignore those who are. Your sworn duty, before God and the citizens, is to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States. Meekly allowing others such as NATO; the United Nations; The Federal Reserve; The Council on Foreign Relations and a host of other “unaccountables” to run roughshod over our freedoms while confiscating our hard-earned wealth without bellowing in protest means that you are at the very least underestimating the resolve of Patriotic Americans, or at worst complicit to treason by levying war against the very documents that serves to protect our way of life.
Our Declaration of Independence, our Constitution, and the amendments known as the Bill of Rights are the life-blood of Liberty and what separates America from all others . The very least you can demand of your colleagues is fidelity to its own governing documents. Claims that our Constitution was meant to be a “living document” or that judges may interpret them as they please, are fraudulent and incompatible with our form of government. In a free society, government is restrained and political power is of less importance. It is only in an environment of freedom that man is capable of achieving his full potential. And it is you the office holder who must understand these ideals while respecting the limits placed upon you by your Oath, that we can once again shine with brilliance in a world of tyranny.
By Andy Myers
Bio: Andy Myers is a former U.S. Army Paratrooper who served with the 1st Special Forces Group. He is the Defense Policy Analyst for the Ohio Freedom Alliance and works to educate others on the great American principles of individual liberty, constitutional government, sound money, free markets, and a non-interventionist foreign policy.
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