By Daniel Downs
What do you think of the constitution? What is the purpose of the constitution? Do you know how many there are? Are they based on a particular view or philosophy?
Those are not questions only lawyers, law professors, and politicians should know how to answer. All American citizens are supposed to know the answers, but do we?
A constitution defines a form of government by detailing its authority, powers, functions, and procedures of operation. As such, a constitution limits government to its explicable roles. According to historian Merrill Jensen, a large number of early Americans wanted the first and current national constitution to give broad general powers over most of American governance and life. They wanted to duplicate British Imperial governance over which they would preside and through which they would continue to profit. A greater number of Americans, who remained faithful to the purpose of the Revolution, persistently thwarted every British loyalist strategy. That occurred during the making of the Articles of Confederation. Ten years later, the same federalists achieved a number of their goals with the ratification of our current Constitution.
The imperial aspiration of the federalists was given a severe blow with the establishment of the 10 amendments to the Constitution. The last two amendments ensured that the liberties won during the Revolution were not lost to a federal take-over of the nation. Both the natural law rights of the American people and the sovereignty of their states were guaranteed a lasting existence–at least until the now.
Journals written by James Madison and others during the constitutional conventions prove the illegality of the Federal Reserve, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and all other organizations incorporated by the federal government. Members of the constitutional conventions debated the incorporation of a federal banking system for a long time, and the majority decided against it. One result of violating this denial of legal authority has been an indirect tax by means of inflation created by the Federal Reserve on behalf of the federal bureaucrats and national corporations.
At the U.S. Treasury and on Wall Street, this form of unlimited taxation is called growth.
State sovereignty has been under threat by the federal government for a long time. One of the clever tricks employed by followers of the democrat regime of Franklin Roosevelt was the manipulation and prolongation of an economic crisis to achieve their goals. The same is happening during the current depression-like crisis. Because only states has been obligated by law to balance their budgets, the federal government, which is not obligated to do so, uses federal aid (stimulus) to gain consensus for their current policy agendas.
Who do you think will wind up paying for all of that aid? Taxpaying consumers will pay for it and for at least two reasons: (1) Federal aid comes with the strings attached. They will help states if states will support their political agendas, like health care reform. (2) Because the federal government intends to take from the wealthy to help pay for their socialist programs, wealthy business owners will pass the cost on to consumers. That is one way the federal government increases the indirect tax called inflation.
Those are a few reasons why everyone should invest the time to better under the history and meaning of the Constitution and the intended protection of our rights and liberty under a Supreme law of the land.
If interested in learning more, you will find valuable information at the websites of the following organizations:,,, and