Tag Archives: Zion

Israel Prime Minister Natanyahu Honors Christians for Their Contributions in the Rebirth and Success of Israel

While speaking a the restoration ceremony of an historic Mishkenot windmill orignally built in 1858 by Moses Montefoire, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Natanyahu tributed Christian Zionism with the rebirth and success of Zionism and the Jewish state. The following are excerpts from his speech.

“I don’t believe that the Jewish State and Modern Zionism would have been possible without Christian Zionism. I think that the many Christian supporters of the rebirth of the Jewish State and the ingathering of the Jewish people in the 19th century made possible the rise of Jewish Zionism – modern Jewish Zionism. We always had the deeply ingrained desire to come back to our land and rebuild it. This is a prayer of the millennia of the Jewish people – that it was made possible in the 19th century, by the resurgence of Christian Zionism and European support for Zionism, most especially in Great Britain – The PEF, the Palestine Exploration Fund, which was a scientific fund created by Queen Victoria, and the many Christian friends that we had, including Dutch people in the 19th century, Americans, Englishmen, Frenchmen, who visited the Holy Land by the hundreds, including famous writers. We spoke about the barrenness of the land and the hope that the Jews would come back to reclaim this land as part of the parable of humanity, the hope that there’s hope, and this created the practical foundation, the political foundation for the emergence of Zionism. So that’s the first component. It’s well represented here today by our Dutch friends, who have been supporting Israel with their hearts, and with everything that you can, we know the depth of this support. We appreciate it deeply. We value our friends, and we never forget them, and we think that you have helped establish here a powerful memorial to our friendship and our common ideals. So thank you.”

After speaking about two more vital components to the success of Zion, PM Natanyahu remembered the economic contribution to the refounding of Israel and his rebuilding efforts being commemorated. Hw went to honor all of past and present Jews returned, settled, and rebuilt Zion.

Next, PM Netanyahu shared a story about his childhood experiences growing up in the same neighborhood in Jerusalem where daily saw now restored windmill towering above. I still serves as a symbol of the unity of effort that Jews and non-Jews continue to make to Zionism reality.

PM Netanyahu concluded his speech by saying:

“For us, this was a constant celebration but today it is a special celebration, because we are marking the restoration of this asset which will serve all residents of Jerusalem and Israel, as well as the tourists who come here, and this is a symbol of the spirit of Jerusalem. Jerusalem is a material city but it is also a city of the spirit. Here is the windmill* in the positive sense of the word. I think that the many Israelis who come here will remember the picture of Moses Montefiore and his family and will rejoice that in Jerusalem everything continues to turn, develop and prosper.”

The goal of Easter is a life of fully satisfied justice

By Daniel Downs

While Jews celebrate the freedom from oppression from tyrants like Pharaoh and Haman, they do not forget the holocaust. I have read that many Jews forsook God because of this horrific event. Yet, the senseless death of millions of Zion’s children proved to be more like birth pangs. It was a bloody birth but Israel was reborn in 1948.

Israel was birth through the bloody confrontation between God and Egypt. Even though enslaved Jews in ancient were as worthy of God’s justice for their own sins, God passed over their lives during that confrontation. Why? Because he saw the blood of sinless souls. The sacrificed life of those morally inculpable souls God deemed sufficient to satisfy justice’s demands.

Easter is the season during which Christians also celebrate God’s Passover. No, it is not the same as the Passover observed by Jews. Rather, it is a celebration of the blessings of God promised Abraham. Christians enter into covenant blessings of Zion through the Jew Jesus.

Many focus on death Jesus during this season and rightly so. The moral changes of life experienced as a result of a developing relationship with God through Christ testifies to the divine acceptance of the only sinless sacrifice capable of fully and eternally satisfying God’s justice.

From a philosophical perspective, the moral crimes of humanity cannot be fully satisfied by inculpable souls i.e. animals. For the death of an animal as punishment for human sin, this substitute must be without sin for the soul that sin dies. A soul dead in sin could hardly be acceptable. Yet, animals cannot commit moral crimes as far as we know; only human are capable and culpable of such crimes. That is why the death of animals could never cease flowing on behalf of humanity: the death of animals is not fully sufficient to atone for human sin.

As previously mentioned, only a sinless human being could fully satisfy the demands of divine justice for all time for all people. That is reason why the one apostle who saw Jesus after his resurrection and ascension to heaven, Paul, said all who accept Jesus death and Lordship as covenant with God are justified, which mean both acquitted of all charges of moral crime and regarded as righteous by God. Notice, justification is sealed by Jesus’ resurrection. Paul, a Pharisee who was confronted by the resurrected Jesus and not the intellectual myth claimed by liberalism, realized the law of redemption is completed by Christ. The moral law of God inherent the covenants of God never ceased, only the never-ending need for animals to bear the punishment for human crimes against that law of God.

Christians celebrate the resurrection of Jesus because he is their representative before God. His suffering, punishment and death is their suffering, rightful punishment and death. His resurrection represents their future. Hence, Christians enjoy the benefits of covenanted salvation because it is of the Jews. Jesus is the one sinless Jew who was the progeny on many Jews going back beyond King David and Jacob to Abraham. As Adam was federal head of sinful humanity, Jesus reigns as Lord over a new age of people renewed to the glory of God as those seeking to live holy lives this world now that is not yet fully His kingdom.