Category Archives: health

It’s official: Smoking makes you stupid

Smoking is directly correlated with a lower IQ, according to a study conducted by researchers from Tel Aviv University in Israel and published in the journal Addiction.

Researchers tested the IQs of more than 20,000 healthy men between the ages of 18 and 21 who were either serving in the Israeli military or who had recently completed their service. Twenty-eight percent of the men in the sample smoked, while 3 percent were former smokers and 68 percent had never smoked.

The average IQ of the smokers was 94, compared with 101 among the non-smokers. Men who smoked more than a pack of cigarettes a day had an average IQ of 90. Although a normal IQ falls between 84 and 116, the difference observed in the study is still considered significant.

Source: Natural News, August 16, 2010

Medical Studies Prove These Drugs Make Your Brain Stop Working

If the post boggled the mind, you might want to take one of the following listed below. Why? Well, medical researchers have discover that they can make your brain stop working. The medical journal Neurology published their finding as did Physorg. What better way to escape the reality of young people winning court case in the of defending the right of life. First, it was student lead prayer in public schools. Gasp! Now, it is pro-lifer victories. What’s next,shutting down Planned Parenthood abortion mills? (Lil Rose, you go girl.)

May be a hooray is in order.

Anyway, here is a list of over-the-counter drugs capable of making humans nearly brain dead (as if secularism qua socialism qua liberalism could be improved on):

Excedrin PM
Tylenol PM

Some prescription drugs that are about brain deadening as the above include:


Everyone has seen the commercial about firing your brain on drugs. People no longer need cocaine, heroine, PSP, marijuana, or for that matter, Jack Daniels liquor. The FDA and drug companies have made it convenient and legal.

No wonder their has been a pandemic of ADD.

Sweet dreams, but tried to get them with the above sleep aids.

Source: Dr. Mercola Newsletter, August 3, 2010

Ohio Republicans Ask Gov. Strickland to Stop Abortion Funding in Health Care

In the wake of a dustup last week that saw pro-life groups uncover how the Obama administration planned to fund abortions in new high risk health insurance programs created by the new federal health care program, Republicans in Ohio have asked Gov. Ted Strickland to make sure there is no funding.

Ohio’s Republican congressional delegate today wrote a letter to Strickland asking him to ensure Ohio does not go down the same road as Pennsylvania, New Mexico and Maryland.

The National Right to Life Committee uncovered how those three states planned to use federal taxpayer dollars for abortions, and now the Obama administration has promised that will not happen.

The signers acknowledged the new promise to make sure the high risk pools cover only abortions allowed under the Hyde Amendment.

However, since the amendment does not apply to the new health care program Obama signed into law, they asked for Strickland to make sure Ohio doesn’t fund abortions since their is no formal prohibition of it in place federally.

“We are urging you to assure Ohioans that the final plan our state will submit to the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services will not include elective abortion as a taxpayer-funded benefit,” they write in the new letter, according to a report in The Hill.

Their letter went on to say: “Furthermore we respectfully request that you direct the Ohio Department of Insurance to thoroughly review its negotiations with the third-party provider your administration designated to run Ohio’s high-risk pool plan to ensure that the use of federal funds to perform abortions is clearly and definitively prohibited under any coverage.”

House Minority Leader John Boehner signed the letter along with Reps. Steven LaTourette, Patrick Tiberi, Jean Schmidt, Michael Turner, Jim Jordan, Robert Latta and Steve Austria, The Hill indicated.

Source:, July 19, 2010.

World Population Day “Everyone Counts” Theme Should Include Unborn Children

by Scott Fischbach

Nations throughout the world will celebrate World Population Day Sunday, July 11, with the theme, “Everyone Counts.” Established in 1989 by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), World Population Day calls attention to urgent global issues.

MCCL GO is pleased to see the United Nations express concern for the lives of every human being. People in many parts of the world are suffering from lack of food, water, health care and other essentials to life. One of the worst threats humans face, however, is that of being killed by abortion before they are even born.

The UNFPA is “an international development agency that promotes the right of every woman, man and child to enjoy a life of health and equal opportunity.”

The UNFPA’s stated goals are to advance “policies and programs to reduce poverty and to ensure that every pregnancy is wanted, every birth is safe, every young person is free of HIV, and every girl and woman is treated with dignity and respect.” In the pursuit of these goals, the lives of unborn children must not be forgotten.

The rights of unborn children have been clearly delineated in United Nations documents. For example, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (Dec. 10, 1948) includes life as a universal right:

Article 3: Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person.

The Convention on the Rights of the Child (Nov. 20, 1989, General Assembly Resolution 44) states the following:
Bearing in mind that, as indicated in the Declaration of the Rights of the Child, “the child, by reason of his physical and mental immaturity, needs special safeguards and care, including appropriate legal protection, before as well as after birth” (emphasis added).

Article 6
States Parties recognize that every child has the inherent right to life.
States Parties shall ensure to the maximum extent possible the survival and development of the child.

The destruction of human life by abortion is the greatest human rights struggle of our time. The World Health Organization estimates that 42 million abortions are performed worldwide each year—a profound violation of the equal dignity and rights of human beings. The destruction of unborn human life is in direct opposition to the “Everyone Counts” belief fostered by World Population Day.

As the UNFPA seeks an all-inclusive approach to addressing the concerns of human life, MCCL GO calls for renewed recognition of unborn children as essential members of the human family. Real progress in lifting people out of extreme poverty and suffering will never be achieved without guaranteeing the right to life for all human beings, before as well as after birth.

Scott Fischbach is the executive director of Minnesota Citizens Concerned for Life and oversees MCCL Go, its international outreach, July, 9, 2010

Kettering Health Network Among Top 10 In Nation

The Kettering Health Network was awarded a spot among the top ten health network by Thomson Reuters. In their annual health system benchmark study of all hospitals. The top 100 hospitals are selected to establish benchmark standards for hospitals. Out of the top 100 hospitals, the nation’s 10 health networks with the highest benchmarks were chosen.

The winners of this award outperformed their peers by providing better care, following standards of care more closely, saving more lives, creating fewer patient complications, making fewer patient safety errors, and earning better overall patient satisfaction scores.

This year’s top health systems had

* 12.3% fewer mortalities
* 13.2% fewer complications
* 5.4% better patient safety than their peers
* Patients returning home sooner — with an average length of stay more than half a day shorter than at similar systems — and with better longer-term outcomes.

One member of the Kettering Health Network is Greene Memorial Hospital located here in Xenia.

Source: Ohio Hospital Association, June 25, 2010 and Thomson Reuters

Ohio Senate Passes Ban On Human Animal Hybrids

Last Wednesday, Ohio’s Senate voted 24-8 to pass legislation prohibiting the creation, transportation, or receipt of a human-animal hybrid, the transfer of a nonhuman embryo into a human womb, and the transfer of a human embryo into a nonhuman womb.

Though the latest version of the bill, S.B. 243, does not ban human cloning as an earlier one had, it was still hailed by pro-family and Christian groups as “vital legislation” amid “outrageous” advancements in science.

“Ohio Christian Alliance believes that no human life should begin and end as the subject of an experiment,” the organization stated following Wednesday’s vote.

“We attest that a process that knowingly encourages human life to be created, manipulated for research, and ultimately destroyed is immoral and should be prohibited,” it added.

For this and other reasons, OCA said it worked for the past seven years with members of the Ohio Legislature to ban embryonic stem cell research, human cloning, and in recent years, animal-human hybrid.

And for the past three years, OCA worked with State Senator Steve Buehrer (R-Delta) and other members of the Ohio Senate to introduce S.B. 243, which – until recently – also banned human cloning.

Though the original bill was eventually stripped down to help move it forward and to broaden its appeal, OCA still commended sponsors of the final legislation and said “[a]ll who believe that human life, including nascent human life, is a unique and precious gift from our Creator have an obligation to support efforts to ban it.”

“Science has advanced to the point where DNA from animals and humans can be intermixed in scientific laboratory experimentation. This is simply outrageous,” exclaimed OCA President Chris Long in a statement.

Following Wednesday’s vote, the bill now moves to the Democrat-controlled House of Representatives for further consideration.

Source: Christian Post June 03, 2010.

Ohio Legislators Pass Questionable Obesity Bill

Healthy Choices for Healthy Children legislation–SB 210–passed both Houses of the Ohio Legislator. The bi-partisan legation aims to address childhood obesity. As reported by the Ohio Hospital Association, more than one in three children (35.6 percent) in Ohio is overweight or obese. The bill specifically targets increased physical activity, improved nutritional options, and body mass index (BMI) testing in Ohio schools. (Heath e-News+ June 4, 2010)

Commendable as this bill may be, its provisions like the following raise some questions:

* Providing free breakfast to eligible children during the school day;
* Requiring physical education (PE) teachers to have a PE license;
* Increasing parents’ awareness about their children’s health through BMI screenings.

The first provision-providing free breakfast–has been part of federal funded since the beginning of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act. This grand federal empowerment program has been a local school cash cow for both poor and rich school districts alike. So, why does Ohio legislators need to duplicate an existing program? Is the U.S. Department of Education too bankrupt to continue funding it? Does the feds require more local and state paper work to obtain those dependency enhancing programs? Or are Gov. Strickland and his liberal associates in both the White House and Congress inspiring Ohio politicians to attempt another attempt to double dip into taxpayers dwindling pockets? Besides being ignored by the powers that be, one answer to these questions is why not convince McDonald’s, Taco Bell, Bob Evans, etc. to contribute free breakfasts to their many community’s needy school children. This would provide such business endless “good neighbor” marketing fodder.

Besides, what does free breakfast have to do with reducing obesity? If schools serve bacon and donuts with breakfast. will that reduce body fat or obesity?

The second provision–requiring PE teachers to possess a license–is eye-popping. Who would have ever thought it possible for any Ohio teacher to teach without state certification or license? Could it be current unlicensed PE teachers (if they actually exist) are training kids to be lazy, computer mongering, and junk food connoisseurs? I think not! If finger pointing is called for, the big fat finger should be pointed at school officials wanting monetary kick backs from pop, candy, junk food machine vendor purchases by students and fat teachers. Another boney finger should be aimed at those same officials for permitting  during homeroom TV programming whose advertising sells the same obese enhancing junk foods and other accouterments of that lifestyle. One more waging finger should alos be pointed in the same direction. The same school officials are often guilty of condonning  lunch menus that mimic fat food restaurants.

At home, parents may cater to their kids’ whinny demands for fat tasty foods, but paternal state officials should have an even stiffer backbone. Alas, the paternal state also trains society’s parents and their children. Big sigh!

Of course, the obesity problem may be like other post-modern lifestyles; they were born that way. Those poor downtrodden fat kids are just victims of their DNA (and a few actually are). That means Ohio legislators and health professionals should be ashamed of themselves for forcing on them a false and degrading solution to an irresolvable condition. OAA (Obese Anonymous Association) may be there only refuge and hope. Better than that, they probably just need to come out of the closet and flaunt their fatty stuff.

But, please, don’t blame PE teachers. They do not deserve the regulating punishment of state licensure for the paternal state’s lack virtue and self-discipline. It is the paternal state itself that should be required to possess a license. That might enable the public to better regulate its attitudes and practices.

Last but not least  is the third provision–the Body Mass Index.  School-based BMI screening of children might help parents to regulate their children’s weight issues. However, it will never replace the good old fashion practice of making kids eat a healthy diet. The paternal state and its local school nannies are not necessary for a stern disciplining mom or dad.

What would help parents and the rest of Ohio citizens even more than a BMI index is a GSI index. No, GSI is not a gas saturation index. GSI is a government-spending index that would make Ohioans aware of how much wasting fat the paternal state is accumulating. After all, GSI would also remind Ohioans how much of their limited incomes the paternal state is consuming on the proverbial junk food called debt.

Normal human problems are turned into medical conditions, spiking healthcare costs

By Sherry Baker, Health Sciences Editor

Mainstream medicine has a huge new growth industry underway — the “medicalization” of the human condition. That’s the conclusion of a study headed by Brandeis University sociologist Peter Conrad that was just published in the journal Social Science and Medicine. The report, the first study of its kind, documents that over the last several decades, numerous common problems — many of which are simply due to being human — have been newly defined as medical disorders that supposedly need prescription drugs and other costly treatments.

For example, menopause is a perfectly natural part of womanhood but it is now considered a “condition” complete with symptoms that physicians often believe need treatment with hormones and anti-depressants. Likewise, normal pregnancies, taking longer-than-average time to get pregnant and impotence (now known by the medical term “erectile dysfunction”) are all now seen as medical conditions that may need intense medical monitoring and treatment. And if a child fidgets in class — bingo! He or she is frequently classified as having Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and quickly placed on stimulant drugs like Ritalin
Conrad and his colleagues used national data to estimate the costs of these and other common conditions — including anxiety and behavioral disorders; worries over body image; male pattern baldness; normal sadness; being overweight; difficulty in sleeping through the night and substance-related disorders. In order to document what role medicalizing these problems could be playing in escalating U.S. healthcare spending, the Brandeis research team evaluated current data showing just how much medical spending results from the diagnosing and treatment of these “conditions”.

Their findings? The researchers concluded there is a strong and undeniable trend toward a medicalization of human conditions, with a constantly increasing number of medical diagnoses and treatments for behavioral problems and what the researchers called “normal life events”.

When they analyzed payments to hospitals, pharmacies, doctors and other health care providers for medical treatments of these medicalized conditions, the researchers discovered that the costs accounted for $77.1 billion in medical spending in 2005. That amounts to almost 4 percent of the total U.S. healthcare expenditures.

“We spend more on these medicalized conditions than on cancer, heart disease, or public health,” Conrad said in a statement to the press.

Conrad added that medicalization of human problems may have several causes, including increased consumer demands for medical solutions and Big Pharma’s expanding markets for drugs. “By estimating the amount spent on medicalized human problems, we’ve raised the obvious question as to whether this spending is ‘appropriate’. The next question is whether we can more directly evaluate the appropriateness of these medical interventions and consider policies that curb the growth or even shrink the amount of spending on some medicalized conditions,” Conrad said in the press statement.

Source: Natural News, May 28, 2010.

Are municipalities that fluoridate water perpetrating a crime?

Xenia City officials have attempted several times to pass an ordinance allowing the water department to fluoridate the water supply. Each time voters have voted against it. If voters had passed it, would it still be a crime for city officials to medicate our drinking water with tooth decay fighting fluoride?

Yesterday, Mike Adams raised this issue in an article published in Natural News. In it, he argues dripping fluoride into public water supplies in order to reduce cavities among citizens is practicing medicine without a license. Doctors including dentists are not permitted to prescribe medications without first determining that a legitimate illness exists and requires drug treatment. Yet, this is exactly what cities and towns across the nation are doing. Adam concludes his argument with the following statement:

“Every city and town in America currently engaged in fluoridation of the water supply is committing felony crimes. Town leaders who approve of water fluoridation are criminals operating in clear violation of FDA regulations, state medical laws and federal laws.”

Adams does not take into account the fact that many cities and towns received voter approval to madicate their water supplies. Citizens must have believed it would a health benefit. They probably were not made aware of the considered harm fluoridating has caused to many persons.

With the above in mind, my original question maybe restated this way: Does voter approval make it legal for city officials to prescribe the medication “fluoride” to fight the presumed epidemic of tooth decay without medical license?

Here is a reference for the next time city officials attempt to get Xenia citizens to accept mass medicating in order to save a few bucks. Reading the article by Adams would also prove helpful seeing he suggests ways to fight against it. You can read “Why the fluoridation of public water supplies is illegal” by clicking on the highlighted text.

Ohio Senate Passes Bill on Judicial Bypass of Parental Consent for Abortion

On May 27, 2010, the Ohio Senate voted 22 to 11 to pass S.B. 242, a bill to revise the process of judicial bypass under Ohio’s Parental Consent for Abortion statute.

Under federal court rulings, parental consent statutes must permit a minor girl to “bypass” the parental consent requirement by convincing a juvenile judge either: 1) that she is mature and well enough informed to decide whether to have an abortion; or 2) that the abortion is in her best interests.

S. B. 242, which is sponsored by Sen. Tim Grendell (R, Chesterland) and Sen. Karen Gillmor (R, Tiffin), addresses the fact that some judges are giving virtual “rubber-stamp” approval to these judicial bypass requests. In a 2008 Columbus Dispatch article on bypass hearings, one Franklin County judge indicated that she had never denied a bypass request and another judge stated that she had denied only one request. A 2003 Akron Beacon Journal survey found a bypass approval rate of either 86% or 92% (the latter when a county that lumped voluntary dismissals with denials was excluded).

S.B. 242 would require:

• that the girl must prove her case by “clear and convincing evidence”;

• that the judge ask about the girl’s understanding of the possible physical and emotional complications of abortion and what she would do if she experienced such complications; and

• that the judge ask about the extent that the girl has been “prepped” about how to answer questions and what testimony to give at the bypass hearing.

“We are pleased that the Ohio Senate has recognized that abortion can have serious life-changing effects on a young girl,” said Mike Gonidakis, Executive Director of Ohio Right to Life. “S.B. 242 would require that, before cutting a girl’s parents out of the abortion decision, a judge must make sure that the girl understands the possible negative effects of abortion. It would also require the judge to determine whether the girl’s testimony really reflected her maturity or the ‘coaching’ of others,” Gonidakis said.

The bill now goes to the Ohio House of Representatives.

Ohio Senators voting the pro-life position for S.B. 242 were: Steve Buehrer; John Carey; Gary Cates; Kevin Coughlin; Keith Faber; Bob Gibbs; Karen Gillmor; David Goodman; Tim Grendell; Bill Harris; Jim Hughes; Jon Husted; Shannon Jones; Tom Niehaus; Tom Patton; Tim Schaffer; Kirk Schuring; Bill Seitz; Jimmy Stewart; Mark Wagoner; Chris Widener; and Jason Wilson. (22)

Ohio Senators voting the pro-abortion position against S.B. 242 were: Capri Cafaro; Teresa Fedor; Eric Kearney; Dale Miller; Ray Miller; Sue Morano; Tom Sawyer; Joe Schiavoni; Shirley Smith; Fred Strahorn; and Nina Turner. (11)

Source: Ohio Right to Life, May 27, 2010.