Tag Archives: voter rights

Ohio Voter Rights

On Election Day, you have the legal right to:

Vote a regular ballot if you are a valid registered voter.
     A valid registered voter means a United States citizen who is a resident of Ohio,      who is at least 18 years of age and not in prison or on parole for conviction of a      felony, and who is registered to vote at his or her current residence address.

Request a replacement ballot.
     If you tear, soil, deface or erroneously mark a ballot, you may return it to a poll      worker. The poll worker must issue a second ballot. You may also request a      third ballot for the same reasons, but no more than three ballots may be issued      to one person.

Ask for assistance.
     If you have a disability, physical limitations, trouble reading or writing or need      language assistance, you may have the person of your choice (except a      candidate, employer or union rep) assist you in voting. As an alternative, two poll      workers from two different political parties may also assist you. You may also      vote with a curbside ballot if you cannot physically enter the polling location.

Vote a secret ballot.
     You have the right to cast a secret ballot free from intimidation. Representatives      from the media and election observers are permitted inside the polling location,      but they may not interfere with or compromise the secrecy of your ballot.

Use a paper ballot instead of a machine.
     You can choose to use a paper ballot to vote instead of a machine, regardless of      whether it is direct recording electronic or optical scan voting machines.

Vote a provisional ballot if your name is not listed in the voting poll book.
     You can vote a provisional ballot on Election Day if your name and current      address does not appear in the registration book in your precinct or if you do not      have acceptable identification with you. See the Secretary of State web site on      provisional ballots.

Vote a regular ballot if you moved within the same precinct.
     If you moved within the same precinct but did not update your registration record,      you can vote with a regular ballot – at your precinct polling place or the Board of      Elections (or their designated site) – as long as you have been previously      registered in Ohio.

Vote a provisional ballot if you moved to a different precinct.
     If you have moved to a different precinct or county within Ohio without updating      your registration record, you can vote a provisional ballot. Your provisional ballot      will count as long as you complete a change of address and affirmation. You      may vote at either your new precinct polling place or at the Board of Elections (or their designated site).

Request a list of write-in candidates.
     You can request a list of names of candidates and offices that are officially      eligible as write-in candidates.

Vote if you are an ex-felon.
     If you have been convicted of a felony, you may vote if you are not in prison or on      parole.

Vote after the polls close if you are in line.
     If you are in line when the polls close, you have the right to stay and vote a      regular ballot. If time for voting is extended by court order and you arrive after the      regular voting time, you may vote a provisional ballot.

Vote provisionally if you are challenged.
     Only a poll worker can challenge your right to vote on Election Day. You may only      be challenged for your age (must be 18) or your residency (must be a U.S. citizen      and resident of the county). If challenged, you still have the right to vote a      provisional ballot after swearing truthfully to the facts of your eligibility.

To learn more about your voter rights, go to Ohio Secy. of State Voter Information website.