Tag Archives: Family Research Council

Gay Activist Shoots Family Research Council Guard: Domestic Terrorism or Hate Crime…

A heavily armed black gay activist with a bag of Chic-fil-A sandwichs was petrubed about the unashamed and progressive* views of the Family Research Council’s about traditional marriage. The gay man obviously was offended by very public and very exclusive adefinition FRC’s one-man and one-woman defintion of marriage. At root at the offense is the FRC’s view that gay marriage is an offense to God and serious problem for a good society.

The questions being raised is will public officials and other social institutions (especially liberal ones) define this act as terrorism or a hate crime. Another question that might surface is whether or not Christian-oriented family organizations like the FRC should be allowed to instigate hate crimes or domestic terrorism. That is, will the gays and liberal public officials deem the moral views and public activism to spread them and even make them law (as the gay activists do) a crime punishable by law.

The Infowars.com video below address the first question and comments by The National Organization for Marriage (NOM) address the second question.

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E5UX-hO4OHk&w=560&h=315]



NOM Comments:

Five days ago, a gay activist stormed the offices of the Family Research Council (FRC), a pro-marriage ally in our fight, attempted to barge into their offices with a loaded weapon, and when confronted by a security officer, tried to murder the guard and thereby intimidate Christians and marriage supporters everywhere. It’s the same thing that terrorists try to accomplish—use deadly force to intimidate opponents into submission.

The armed gay activist was reportedly carrying a large cache of ammunition and bags of food from Chick-Fil-A. He apparently complained about our side’s pro-marriage position. You may recall that NOM and others recently led a nationwide show of support for the CEO of Chick-Fil-A’s public defense of marriage as the union of one man and one woman. It’s been reported that the attacker may have intended to leave Chick-Fil-A sandwiches as he shot his way through the offices.

Fortunately, despite being shot, the security officer was able to stop the would-be assassin. That guard is a true hero, and his courage no doubt saved many lives. But this is a wakeup call for marriage supporters everywhere.

It’s been five days now and still the DC police department refuses to characterize the attempted murder of pro-marriage Christians as a hate crime. It’s outrageous. A gay activist tries to murder executives at a prominent pro-marriage group; he specifically complains about pro-marriage positions; and he’s carrying foodstuffs from a pro-marriage restaurant with the apparent intention of leaving them as a “calling card” during his murderous spree of terror.

And this is not a hate crime?

Can you imagine what would happen if a pro-marriage activist did something like this to a prominent gay group? It would be international news for weeks, and there would be unceasing demands for federal investigations.

The attempted murder by the gay activist occurred just one day after the so-called Human Rights Campaign, the nation’s largest and wealthiest homosexual lobby, publicly branded the FRC a “hate group.”

The Southern Poverty Law Center, a once-proud civil rights group that is now nothing more than a hard-left attack machine, has also tagged the FRC with this epithet, and they’ve threatened to do so with NOM as well. Our hateful crime? Opposing homosexual “marriage.”

Sadly, this isn’t the first time that an attack against a pro-marriage group has been mishandled by the DC police. Just a few days before the shooting at the FRC, homosexual activists assaulted NOM’s headquarters with a bag containing gay sex toys and soiled adult diapers filled with human feces. They also left a disgusting note designed to intimidate our hardworking staff of believers, who are doing nothing more than fighting for God’s definition of marriage.

The DC police sent officers, including an “LGBT unit” officer, to investigate the crime and almost immediately the LGBT unit declared this NOT to be a hate crime. As far as we know, nothing has been done to attempt to find the thugs responsible for this harassment.

What does it take for the DC cops to declare attacks against Christian, pro-marriage supporters to be a hate crime?

One has to wonder if we are seeing the practical manifestations of what Mayor Vincent Gray declared in the wake of the Chick-Fil-A CEO’s support for traditional marriage. Gray told reporters, “You know, when people don’t support marriage equality, it is the law here in the District of Columbia…there just is no place for them in this city.” It seems that the police department may have heard the mayor’s message loud and clear.

— From an August 20, 2012 email.

* By progressive, I mean advancing the value and inherent morality of traditional marriage and natural family.