Category Archives: election 2010

Xenia Tea Party Rally On For Sat. April 24 With Greene County Commissioners Approval

While the Tea Party rally planned for tomorrow, April 24
in Xenia was to go on as planned without an official meeting permit,
today Greene County officials notified the organizers that they
informally accepted the rally and will not interfere with it or
prevent it from taking place. Lisa Hale, Director of Risk Management
for Greene County said that the meeting approval policies would be
reviewed for future changes and that due to the timing, the “request
for use of the Courthouse area on 4/24/10 cannot be formally approved, [but] we will not attempt to prevent the event or take action for unauthorized use.”

“I want to thank the Greene Count Commission and Mrs. Lisa Hale for
being professional and working to facilitate this meeting without
further controversy, and for respecting our constitutional right to
free assembly,” said Virgil Vaduva, organizer of the rally. “The
meeting organizers will abide by all laws and ordinances and will
encourage all attendees to do likewise, clean up the Courthouse
grounds after the meeting and avoid damage to the lawn and landscaping surrounding the Courthouse,” said Vaduva.

The organizers of the rally ask all attendees to abide by the following guidelines:

– no sale of food or other items at the rally
– no use of alcohol
– avoid the lawn or contact with other landscaping, and try to use the
paved areas as much as possible
– no placement of signs or banners on the Courthouse building
– no throwing of trash on the ground; clean up the area when you leave

The rally will take place at 4:00 PM at the Greene County Courthouse
in downtown Xenia, and will feature the following speakers:

– John Mitchell, Republican Candidate for U.S. Congress,
– John Anderson, Libertarian Candidate for U.S. Congress,
– Mickey Denen, Medical Doctor and homeschooling father
– Phil Herzing, Dayton Tea Party and Liberty Groups Coordinator,
– Andy Myers, Ohio Freedom Alliance,
– Josh Diaz, Ohio Open Carry,
– Virgil Vaduva, Republican Candidate for Greene County Commissioner,

A Seth Morgan campaign coordinator informed the organizers that a
previously scheduled event will unfortunately not allow him to attend;
a number of other speakers’ confirmations are pending as well.

“Some light rain could interfere with the rally, but we are
encouraging everyone to attend, bring umbrellas, their flags, and get
to know their candidates while cheering for freedom and liberty. The
temperatures will be in the 70’s, so please come join us,” said Virgil

The Greene County Courthouse is located at 45 North Detroit St. in
Xenia, Ohio; free weekend parking is available along the streets
surrounding the Courthouse building, and in many locations throughout
downtown Xenia.

All questions about the rally should be directed to Virgil Vaduva at

Campaign statement on the April 24 Rally in Xenia

The following statement from Virgil Vaduva was released regarding the April 24, 2010 Tea Party scheduled for 4:00 PM at the Greene County Courthouse in downtown Xenia, OH:

I received several telephone calls and emails regarding our plans to meet despite the fact that Greene County officials denied our application for holding an event on the lawn of the Courthouse. The catalyst for this rally was the Court’s dismissal of the lawsuit filed against the City of Xenia over illegalities related to the passage of Issue 7, a 28.5% income tax increase for Xenia residents. The suit dismissal prompted the urgency of our action and decision to hold this rally as soon as possible, before the May 4 election when the levy is on the ballot. Greene County’s policy makes this kind of political dissent and demonstration impossible, and it makes no exception for our circumstances. It is therefore important for us to meet before May 4, at this public location, which is the symbol of Law and Justice in Greene County, Ohio.

I also recognize that the requirements placed upon the use of public spaces by the Greene County Commission are not as a result of state or local law, and they are instead the result of policy and procedure created to allow for smoother operation of county facilities and departments and for the stewardship of public spaces. As such, it is unfortunate that it is being used by bureaucrats now for the purpose of stopping a Tea Party meeting from taking place.

As with any government intervention in the lives of its citizens, this policy is having the unintended effect of denying the First Amendment rights of Greene County residents willing to express their political opinions, dissent and petitioning of their government. In fact, the intended consequence seems to be that of denying political opponents the right to dissent, oppose and criticize, something which is a fundamental right expressly protected by our Constitution, a principle that is uncompromisable and unchanging.

My belief is that our country is where it is today as a result of a series of compromises made over a long period of time, compromises which add up to a large loss of freedom for Americans, loss of rights to our property and income, and a large amount of government control over our lives. As a nation we are at a crossroads; the time for government saying “no” to us is over, the time for us to say “no” to government has come. Further compromise of any kind, on any issue related to free speech, right to assembly, right to own property and educate our children as we see fit will erode the U.S. Constitution out of existence. This is our opportunity to send a message to both Republican and Democrat politicians and bureaucrats, at any level of government, and let them know that while we will always obey the law, we are unwilling to accept their policies and stifling of our freedom and liberty.

I call on the Greene County Commission, especially my opponent, Commissioner Alan Anderson to reverse the denial of our application and waive the 14 day requirement which is interfering with our Constitutional rights and our desire for peaceful assembly and speech. As we do not need access to any county buildings or equipment, and we do not need security, we will carry on with the meeting as planned, hoping that before April 24 the Commission will reverse this decision.

We hope to see everyone on April 24 at 4:00 PM at the Greene County Courthouse.

Governor (FDR) Strickland Politicizes Ohio Supreme Court

Last week, Governor Ted Strickland appointed Franklin County Probate
Judge Eric Brown Chief Justice of Ohio to replace the late Thomas Moyer. Brown had already been selected by Strickland and other Democratic Party leaders as the Democratic candidate for Chief Justice in the 2010 election. The selection sets up a race between two sitting members of the Supreme Court, Brown and current Justice Maureen O’Connor, the Republican candidate.

Eric Brown is married to Democratic Franklin County Commissioner Marilyn Brown, who has voted to use tax dollars to support Planned Parenthood of Central Ohio, an organization that performs abortions.

“Governor Strickland’s choice of Eric Brown for Chief Justice is a blatantly political decision,” said Mike Gonidakis, Executive Director of Ohio Right to Life. “In order to have the Democratic candidate run as an ‘incumbent’, Strickland has ensured that the remainder of this Supreme Court term will be marked by internal political tension because two members of the Court will be competing for election. Strickland and Brown clearly lack the statesmanship shown by Justice Evelyn Stratton, who decided not run for Chief Justice in the Republican primary because she was concerned about the negative effects that two sitting Justices running against each other would have on the internal operation of the Court,” Gonidakis said.

Remarks by John Mitchel at the April 15th Springfield Tea Party Rally

Since 1980, Ohio has lost five Congressional House seats and will lose two more after the 2010 census. Since 1983 we have had three Congressional Representatives in the 7th District – Mike DeWine, Dave Hobson and Steve Austria. Who more than these three career politicians is more responsible for the sad state of affairs here in the 7th District and around the nation? It happened on their watch and they have to accept the responsibility for the runaway spending and $12.6 trillion debt.

There are at least three important issues that clearly set our campaign apart from these three career politicians; our support for term limits and the FairTax, and our relentless fight against fraud, waste, abuse and corruption in government.

If elected, I will spend no more than two terms in Congress; then I will return home to Ohio to enjoy the freedom and liberty we worked hard to protect while I served in Washington. We need many more citizen legislators and many fewer self-interested career politicians.

My first official act after taking the oath of office will be to co-sponsor H.R. 25, which will enable the FairTax. My opponent has had more than a year to do so, but has chosen not to, and the reason is that once we do away with the income tax, the lobbyists and special interests have much less leverage, if any at all in affecting the behavior of those congressmen who have traded campaign cash for special favors, kickbacks and tax loopholes.

We don’t have time to cover the broad spectrum of where I believe my opponent has enabled fraud, waste, abuse and corruption in government, but it’s important we give you a flavor of what is going on underneath the radar.

From 2006 until October 2009, Steve Austria took credit for bringing up 100 jobs to the TPI Composites plant at 2145 Airpark Drive in Springfield. Here is the timeline as characterized on Steve Austria’s and TPI Composites’ websites:

November, 2006: TPI Composites opens Springfield production facility;

April 10, 2007: TPI Composites triples wind blade production capacity in Mexico plant;

April 12, 2007: TPI Composites reaches agreement to manufacture wind blades in China;

May 7, 2007: TPI Composites unveils first all-composite Army-ready truck cab in Warren, R.I.;

October 29, 2007: TPI Composites opens second wind blade plant in Mexico;

November 26, 2007: TPI Composites expands capacity in Iowa facility;

December 17, 2007: TPI Composites opens holding company in Scottsdale, Arizona;

September 16, 2008: TPI Composites opens 316,000 square foot plant in Newton, Iowa;

February 2009: TPI Composites closes Springfield operation;

October 2009: Eight months after the plant closed, Steve Austria removes from his website his claim that he brought up to 100 jobs to the TPI Composites facility at 2145 Airpark Drive in Springfield.

Is that the kind of person we want representing us in Washington? — a person who makes false claims for almost three years, then tries to re-create history by quietly removing those false claims from his website. We think it’s time for a change. The issue is integrity; the candidate is John Mitchel; and the choice is yours. We request your strong consideration for a vote for John Mitchel in the May 4th Republican primary.

By Americans for John Mitchel

Josh Mandel Seeking to Make Ohio Business Friendly

By Josh Mandel

Ohio is facing numerous challenges, including a large budget deficit, double-digit unemployment and an exodus of jobs, young people and retirees. Solving these problems requires responsible leadership and fresh thinking — and I am working hard every day to identify business-friendly, limited-government solutions to Ohio’s economic struggle.

Here are some examples:

Making Ohio More Business-Friendly Through Regulatory Reform and Government Consolidation:

Businesses will locate and grow where there exists a stable, certain and friendly economic environment. Unfortunately, too often bureaucrats in our state government view businesses with a “guilty until proven innocent” attitude. Instead, I believe that our state government workers should be waking up every morning asking themselves, “How can I help Ohio businesses succeed, or at least get the heck out of the way?” Therefore, I have been a strong proponent of instituting state government regulatory reform, including:

– Streamlining EPA permitting processes.
– Restructuring the Bureau of Workers Compensation.
– Eliminating the waste, fraud and abuse in Ohio’s Medicaid system.
– Consolidating the size of our state government.

Prioritizing Ohio Businesses Over Out-of State Businesses:

I was disturbed to learn that certain programs in the Ohio Department of Development give preferential treatment to companies located in other states over companies already located in Ohio. Yes, you read that correctly. There are economic incentive programs, funded by our tax dollars, for which companies in Kentucky and West Virginia can qualify but companies in Ohio cannot. This backwards approach to growing Ohio’s economy sends a terrible message to Ohio businesses, and I have been proud to stand up to change it. I have referenced this problem in many speeches and gatherings and am taking leadership to alter the focus of these programs in order to rightly prioritize Ohio businesses.

Eliminating Ohio’s Estate Tax:

Since I stepped foot in the Ohio legislature, I have been proudly advocating for the elimination of Ohio’s estate tax. I wrote about it last year and continue to lead on it today. This form of double-taxation has had the unfortunate and predictable result of making Naples, Palm Beach and Phoenix second capitals of Ohio. By forcing retirees to become citizens of other states, we are losing an incredible amount of financial and intellectual capital that should be invested in our communities. Ohio’s estate tax hits the middle class, homeowners and farmers while driving jobs, capital and families out of Ohio. I am committed to work with Republicans and Democrats at the Statehouse to eliminate this economic burden on Ohio families and Ohio’s economy.

Growing Ohio’s Economy through Independence from Foreign Oil:

I also continue to be a strong co-sponsor of House Bill 107 which is a measure to allow Ohioans to drill for oil and gas on state lands. This legislation would empower Ohioans to maximize the natural resources within our borders in order to create jobs, promote economic activity and foster independence from foreign oil. I believe responsible exploration of oil and gas in Ohio will help drive down energy prices for Ohio families and businesses and contribute to our nation’s fight against terrorism. I am also proud to support efforts underway to build a coal gasification plant in Ohio, which would utilize Ohio coal to create Ohio jobs and foster independence from foreign oil.

These are just a handful of the issues on which I am working to improve the lives of Ohioans and reverse the exodus of jobs, young people and retirees from Ohio. Through countless hours at the Statehouse and by traveling 76,251 miles throughout the state, I have heard from thousands of people and the message is clear – Ohio needs new leadership. I am ready to provide Ohio with the leadership it needs in order to improve our economy through economic freedom, limited government and fiscal responsibility.

State Representative Josh Mandel is the GOP candidate for the office of State Treasurer. His endorsement is seen by many as a win for the Ohio Tea Parties.

UD Professor of History Dr. Larry Schweikart Endorses Virgil Vaduva Candidate for Greene County Commission

Today the Dayton Daily News Editorial Board endorsed my opponent, Mr. Alan Anderson and chose him to be “the better pick” as a Greene County Commissioner, at least in their opinion. They wrote that Mr. Anderson, the incumbent, was the “more go-along-get-along kind of person” as opposed to someone like me, who has “fringe ideas” and is unwilling to toe the line set by the GOP liberal leadership. You can read the entire poorly-written, error-ridden editorial here:

The truth is my friends that the DDN endorsement of my opponent is an illustration of a sad situation, that we as a nation, state and county have come to a place where freedom, liberty, and freedom to homeschool and live apart from government intrusion are all seen as being on the fringe. Those willing to “go along” are nodded-upon and endorsed to be part of the political and electoral process. It is sad, is it not?

In my interview with DDN I spoke frankly about my views of government, taxation, freedom and liberty. I spoke about the Children Services and their harassment of homeschooling families and the super-inflated budget of that organization. I spoke against the high taxes in our county and the responsibility that the Greene County Republicans have to their principles of small government and low taxation, regardless of the level of government. As a result, my ideas were described as “fringe” and my opponent was endorsed. But fortunately, the outcome of an election does not depend on the GOP or the Dayton Daily News; it is up to the voters to make sound choices. Therefore I am asking you, friends and registered voters to let your friends and family members know that right now and on May 4, they have a chance to vote for a real conservative, a real Republican, unwilling to compromise on any principles of freedom, liberty and taxation.

So I am proudly presenting to you an endorsement given to me by Dr. Larry Schweikart, University of Dayton Professor of History, author of A Patriot’s History of the United States, 7 Events that Made America America and 48 Liberal Lies about American History. Dr. Schweikart has been a guest on Glenn Beck’s show on Fox News, and on the Rush Limbaugh show, and he submitted the following endorsement for my campaign:

“I have known Virgil Vaduva to be someone who deeply cares about freedom, liberty and the American way of life. Virgil’s past which involved life in a Communist country and business ownership shaped him into someone who is experienced and can handle the hard hits of life and politics. His desire to serve and participate in the political life here in the Dayton area is genuine and I believe that he can deliver what Greene County needs today, a real conservative candidate willing and able to pursue the real changes needed today by the GOP.

The political atmosphere in the area is in dire need of new faces, and Virgil is one of them, so it is my pleasure to offer my endorsement for his candidacy for Green County Commissioner.”

Mitchel calls for Steve Austria to withdraw from congressional race

Former Air Force Lieutenant Colonel John Mitchel, who is opposing Steve Austria in the May 4th Republican primary, called for Steve Austria to withdraw from the race. Mitchel says he is merely following guidelines established by State GOP Chairman Kevin DeWine. According to Mitchel, in January 2009, Kevin DeWine put together a 10-point plan to rehabilitate the Ohio Republican Party torn apart by Coingate and other scandals. Mitchel says one of those points is to “Enforce a zero-tolerance policy for misconduct.” He lists the following examples of what he believes to be misconduct by Steve Austria and his spouse, Eileen, who for almost two decades was District Director for former Congressman Dave Hobson.

1. Nepotism: Steve Austria’s influence with campaign contributors associated with the Turner Foundation led to a job for Mrs. Austria at non-profit Nextedge Development Corporation, a wholly owned subsidiary of the Turner Foundation, another non-profit corporation based in Springfield .

2. Failure to disclose Mrs. Austria ’s employment with Nextedge: Steve Austria attempted to conceal on his federal Financial Disclosure Statement Mrs. Austria ’s employment with Nextedge. The Federal Election Commission (FEC) is investigating. (FEC Matter Under Review ( MUR ) 6240)

3. Failure to disclose on his Financial Disclosure Statement Mr. and Mrs. Austria’s membership on the Dayton Development Coalition’s Wright Patt 2010 Committee from 2003 to 2007: As members of the Committee, Mr. and Mrs. Austria helped steer no-bid contracts financed by Greene County taxpayers to the PMA Group, a Washington lobbying firm raided by the FBI in November 2008 and now under investigation for illegal campaign contributions in exchange for earmarks, including contributions to Steve Austria and Dave Hobson. (Source: Center for Public Integrity, September 2009) Greene County Commissioners Anderson, Perales and Reid can confirm that the FBI has taken custody of 26 boxes of related documents from the Dayton Development Coalition with cooperation from the Greene County Prosecutor’s office.

4. Mrs. Austria’s illegal use of Dave Hobson’s Member Representational Account (MRA) in the last two months of her employment as Dave Hobson’s District Director: The Federal Election Commission is investigating allegations that while Mrs. Austria was still working as Dave Hobson’s District Director, she abused that position to raise over $221,000 for her husband’s congressional campaign from 246 donors from October 27, 2007 to December 31, 2007. (FEC Matter Under Review (MUR) 6240)

Mitchel commented, “Our campaign is in full agreement with Kevin DeWine in that the Ohio Republican Party should enforce a zero-tolerance policy for misconduct by its elected officials and candidates. Now it’s time to hold Kevin DeWine accountable and demand that whether or not Steve Austria withdraws from the May 4th primary, the Republican Party will aggressively cooperate with the ongoing investigation. To do otherwise will further undermine the credibility of Ohio Republican Party leadership and could bring the entire ticket down in November.”