Tag Archives: Joe Biden

Is Biden Lying to Win?

by Daniel Downs

In his speeches and advertisements, Joe Biden claims Trump’s plan for Social Security will bankrupt it by 2023. This is supposedly based on a letter from the chief actuary of the Social Security Administration. However, Glenn Kessler of the Washington Post checked into Biden’s claim and discovered Trump has no plan to cut social security in any way. If you read Kessler’s September 4th article, you will see that the letter was a response to Congressional Democrats about a hypothetical plan to end the payroll tax. Trump has indicated he wants to end it. Even if Trump were to get legislation passed to end the payroll tax, it would not effect Social Security, according to the letter. That money would come out of the general fund.

Presidential Candidates’ Stand on Life Issues

Live Action, known for its investigative journalism,came out with a guide to the position of the candidates running for president and vice-president. Those candidates are Republicans Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan as well as Democrat incumbents Barak Obama and Joe Biden.

After stating each candidate’s stand of the right to life, the guide present historical statements and positions of each candidate to prove the validity of each candidates views.

To read or download a copy of the guide, go to http://liveactionadvocate.org/LAFLYER.pdf.

A Human and Civil “Right to Life” Voter Guide

Of all human rights, the right to life is the cornerstone to all others. For without Constitutional protection for this most basic right, American have no genuine security, no protection, no limitation to government, no real freedom, and no future. With the enjoyment of this inherent and unalienable God-given right, the right to liberty, the right to the pursuit of happiness, and to all other human and civil rights are meaningless words. And, yes, the 5th amendment does at least partially defends the right to life.

That is why all it is very important for all citizens to understand the positions of both John McCain and Barak Obama (as well as all elected officials).

The U.S. President is the only elected official who takes an oath to “preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution” to the best of his or her ability. All others, whether members of Congress, the judiciary, federal agencies, state and local governments, give lip service by oath to support the Constitution.  Because only the Executive is given veto power, the President is the only elected official with legitimate power of constitutional review, which is completely separate issue that will not be discussed further.

Because the purpose of the President is to preserve, protect, and defend the meaning and purpose of each and every part and principle of the Constitution, it behooves Americans to know whether he or she will in fact do so. If a candidate for political does not support the Right to Life, it is just and right to assume that such a candidate will neither defend it or any other if he/she and his/her party have other plans.

The National Right to Life has produced an excellent guide summarizing the positions of Biden, McCain, Obama, and Palin. You can consult their helpful guide by clicking here;.

Life News also offers an excellent and more comprehensive guide to the positions of candidates running for both federal and state offices. Their online voter guide may be reviewed by going to their www.lifenews.com/2008prolifevotersguide.htm;

PS: The mention of Lord, God, Providence, Creator, and the like in America’s founding documents were regarded by most Christians as encompassing a trinitarian view. Respectable historians and law professors like James Hutson and Philip Hamburger have convincingly repudiated the claims of popular books like The Godless Constitution and Blasphemy : How the Religious Right is Hijacking Our Declaration of Independence that the mention of those terms meant something other than a Christian view of God. The authors of those books attempt to support their claim by using biased historical data to claim that Revolution and Constitution-making era Americans were not very religious and most of the key leaders were deists or Unitarians. The fact is most of the Congressmen who created the Declaration and who rewrote the Constitution were members of churches upholding Trinitarian beliefs. That is significant because the meaning of God to such members of Congress and state legislatures included Jesus as an incarnate member of the triune Godhead. Therefore, the term year of our Lord in the preamble of the current Constitution refers to the Christian God, and the abundant terms for the Christian God employed in the Declaration objectively supports the reality that America was legally founded as a Christian nation.

Because it was, the God-given and unalienable right to life is a political principle rooted in the Christian theology of God, human nature and redemption. And, the fact that even the secular professors have concluded that America was founded by a covenant with God as well as a social contract further supports the Christian theological view underlying their founders’ natural law philosophy, which supplied the principles of our national Constitutional compact.

Because human life is eternal, the Right to Life is the most important issue.